I was born on St. Patrick’s Day. This means I never have trouble finding a party on my birthday, even if one hasn’t found me. When in Ireland, the locals even take a holiday in my honour.
Although I had no trouble adapting to the ‘warm’ beers of England, getting my brain around the creamy heads of the Irish brews was quite another matter. You will rarely find me with a pint of Harp, Smithwick's or Kilkenny. There is of course, one exception.
When Arthur Guinness started brewing in 1756, he could not have known that his influence would fuel drunken revelry and a series of international bars with dubious links to Mother Ireland.
It is said that the best pints of Guinness are to be had in Ireland and at the brewery itself, in particular. Whether this is true or simply a state of mind, it does seem to taste ‘fresher’ at the Guinness Storehouse at St. James's Gate in Dublin. Also, I like the little shamrock they can make in the head. On St. Patrick’s Day you get in for free if your name is Patrick. Your date of birth won’t help you. Still, with DJs, street performers, live bands and food, it is a pretty good deal for 15 Euros.
You will often see the claim that ‘Guinness is Good for You’ and there is rumour that one glass of orange juice, two glasses of milk and 47 pints of Guinness a day supplies all your nutritional needs. The only question is how long you can survive alcohol poisoning and all those bathroom breaks.
The other great thing about Guinness is that, no matter how much food dye you add, it won’t turn from black to green. I mean, green beer, how tacky is that?
Whatever your pint of choice, please be sure to drink responsibly. I know, that will make you stand out on a day famous for stomach pumping and embarrassing dancing, but you will thank me for it on the 18th.
This advice makes me think not of a Guinness ad but one for a great Brewery in Southern Wales. The beer is called Brains SA and their decades-long advertising campaign is very simple and carries a nice double meaning.
‘It’s Brains You Want.’
This is rather undermined by the locals telling everyone that the ‘SA’ stands for ‘Skull Attack’, but you get the idea.
Have a wonderful St. Paddy’s Day and may the road rise up to meet you.
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