Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Confessions of an Artisan Adventurer

I have a bit of a confession to make. You know the quiz I asked you to take in my last post? Well, I made up all the answers to it. Not as in, I cheated and got a fake result, but I really made up the answers that you all get to choose from. Hey - it's a job, and someone has to do it. Honestly, I kind of jumped on it - it's my weird idea of fun.

The questions themselves came from our friends at Gravitas - a very cool game that you can play around the dinner table, living room, campfire - anywhere you can gather a group of people who will take turns answering random, intriguing questions. Yup - my kind of thing!

It came as no surprise to me when my result in the quiz came up as Artisan Adventurer. I mean, I could have feigned a bit of surprise, but I was sitting alone in my office, so it would have just been a waste of an Oscar-worthy performance.

Although we do describe the Artisan Adventurer as one who likes to venture off the beaten path, forgive me for a moment as take a trip down the oh-so-travelled memory lane, and reminisce about one of the highlights of my last European vacation, and a display of typical Artisan Adventurer behavior: the hunt for the perfect cheese sandwich. Forget that I travelled through four countries, witnessed breathtaking scenery and shopped for what seemed like an entire summer wardrobe. No - the cheese sandwiches are what I will always remember. My mission at lunch time, each and every day, was very simple: scour the streets of whichever city I happened to be in to find the most tasty looking cheese sandwich. And I was never disappointed! Not only did I discover plenty of great architecture, shops and all-around cultural coolness, my efforts were always rewarded with a yummy sandwich. Once I had scarfed it all down at the very civilized sort of speed at which famished people eat, I could focus my thoughts elsewhere. Like what pastry I would hunt down to have with my afternoon coffee...

Now that I've regaled you with my wonderful tale of dairy pursuits, I'd like to know all about yours. They don't have to be about cheese, milk or anything related, but just for today, let's make it about food. Oh, who am I kidding - it's always about food!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Where does your mind wander to?

It's Friday afternoon, and when I look out the window of my downtown Toronto office to the gorgeous sunny day out there, I can't help but think about what I'm going to do when I get out there. But let's face it - Friday afternoon mind-wandering isn't just for sunny summer days. It's where your brain travels to on a regular basis, trying to figure out how you're going to spend those next two oh-so-cherished weekend days.

Chances are you're staying close to home, but sometimes, the mind wanders a bit further than that. Right now, mine is on a sunny terrace - not in Toronto, but in Naples. And there is pizza - oh yes - there is pizza. Although it's not a reality, I really do enjoy this fantasy, and some time soon, I'll actually make it there and drip tomato sauce on the crisp white linen skirt I bought at from a vendor (so I fantasize about shopping a little bit too) just to prove it was real.

If you're like me and enjoy the dreaming that leads up to an experience almost as much as the adventure itself, then you're in the right place. Bon Vivant Travel is all about inspiring those moments - you know - the ones when you lean back, take a look around and think to yourself "yup, this is the good life".

So stay tuned for some fuel for your imagination. In the meantime though - it's Friday, so why don't you have some fun? Take this fun little quiz to find out what type of a Bon Vivant you are. http://www.bonvivanttravel.ca/quiz.html
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